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"The world doesn’t have much to thank the pandemic for, but one positive outcome of the closings and lockdowns for me was that I transitioned from a gym/studio-based atmosphere for my training to online personal training. I had been working out for decades in gyms, and I was so concerned that the pandemic would force me to stop strength training. The online personal training model has been so successful for me that I never expect to return to a gym. 

Online personal training has been a complete success for me.  I am able to train using a program that was designed for me alone, one that continues to evolve as my needs change.  A perfect example of my changing needs is that I recently broke my wrist, a serious break that required one surgery and will require another.  Tim has altered some aspects of my upper body training program because of this, but I have continued my twice-weekly sessions with him despite my injury and rehab.  In addition, I very, very rarely have to miss a session with Tim because if I have a conflict, he reschedules either later on the date of our session or on the following day.  That kind of flexibility came with my move to online personal training—a win-win.

I’m most definitely stronger. The proof is in the gradual increase in the size of the weights I use in my training sessions and my increasing ability to do some tasks/exercises in our sessions more easily than I did one, two, three or four years ago.

My personal pride in my achievements is more global rather than a satisfaction that I’m able to perform this task or lift that weight better than I once did.  I am well into my seventies.  Many seventy+ year-olds do not continue to build their strength and live active lives.  It is important to me to stay fit, remain strong, and take care of myself.  Personal training is an essential component in my life that helps me to maintain my strength,  health and sense of well-being.

I believe that online personal training is liberating and makes strength training easier and far more accessible than gym/studio-based programs.  Everything is individualized.  Tim creates a personalized plan for each of his clients.  I know this because my 40-something daughter and son-in-law (who live in a different state) also train online with Tim.  Their programs are quite different from mine and even from each other’s in some respects but appropriately challenging for each of them as mine is for me.  In addition, Tim is smart, skillful, and a genuinely nice person, interested in my success, and easy to work with."

-Colleen Fitzpatrick

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